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Buy Cashew From Nigeria


Sector Information

Nigeria is a major and growing player in the cashew industry with rising market share in global cashew production, with an annual average production increase of 5%. Production is projected to go only one way – upwards. By 2030, we will produce 300,000 metric tonnes of cashew.

We have a relatively long cashew producing season – December to June. Cashew is stored, so exporting goes on all year around. Supply is therefore guaranteed. All exporting companies comply with most important food safety standards (SPS). Adherence to best practices and food safety at all steps in the value chain (farmer àmerchant à processor à exporter) Nigerian cashew boast excellent qualities such as good nut count, high kernel output ratio, excellent moisture content and less defective nuts.

Reasons to Buy Nigerian Cashew

Nigeria is a leading exporter of premium quality raw cashew nuts, with an average 48 kernel yield out-turn.

Nigeria guarantees a reliable and sustainable supply base in their cashew offer. Our large production base with 19 producing states makes us the fourth largest producer of cashew nuts worldwide.

Liberal market leads to international price competitiveness compared to other significant African cashew suppliers.

Sourcing from Nigeria enhances gender empowerment, as over 70% of the workforce are women.

Fruitful and conducive geographic conditions ensure high peelability, making the Nigerian raw cashew nuts easy to process.

Trade Performance

Our cashew kernel exports are increasing fast during recent years, already reaching over 11 million USD. Most kernel exports (80%) went to USA in 2017. Raw cashew nut (RCN) exports are nevertheless still very dominant. We reached a staggering annual growth of 54% in export value of RCN during 2013-2017.

Role of Nigeria Embassy

The Nigerian Embassy widely supports trade from Nigeria. Key activities include:

The Nigerian Embassy provides prospective buyers with information on reliable sources exporters.

Being able to authenticate the export credentials of a company is a very important step in establishing confidence. The Nigerian Embassy provides service of verifying the exporters’ certificate

Where location of products is important to a buyer, a display of geographical locations of products in states/regions in Nigeria is available. A buyer can have a firsthand view of the products available in different parts of the country.

  • The Nigerian Embassy presents opportunities for face to face/Online contact between Nigerian sellers and international buyers of made in Nigeria products.

Nigerian Export Products