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Buy Leather From Nigeria


Sector Information

Our leather industry can be categorized into the industrial sector (90% of exports) and the traditional / artisanal sector (10% of exports). Hides and skin belts are mainly produced in the Northern states. Most leather production and processing can be found in some of the poorer states of our country. Activities and sales within the leather industry are significantly supporting this region reducing poverty.

Reasons to Buy Nigerian Leather

We produce high quality leather. Our free-range rearing system of cattle, sheep and goat confers toughness on the hides and skins. This ensures durable, high tensile strength finished leather goods.

Nigerian leather comes from free-roaming animals rather than from large scale farming-practices. We ensure fair treatment of cattle.

Top 2 leather processing countries Italy and Spain source their leather hides from us. This highlights the quality and affordability of Nigerian leather.

Nigeria is home to the unique Red Sokoto goat skin leather. Acknowledged for it superior quality and high premium in the world market.

Trade Performance

Italy and Spain are the largest destinations of Nigerian leather in total, covering over 71% of total Nigerian exports. This mainly consists of goat leather, while sheep and lamb leather reached larger export values in Asian countries.

Role of Nigeria Embassy

The Nigerian Embassy widely supports trade from Nigeria. Key activities include:

The Nigerian Embassy provides prospective buyers with information on reliable sources exporters.

Being able to authenticate the export credentials of a company is a very important step in establishing confidence. The Nigerian Embassy provides service of verifying the exporters’ certificate

Where location of products is important to a buyer, a display of geographical locations of products in states/regions in Nigeria is available. A buyer can have a firsthand view of the products available in different parts of the country.

  • The Nigerian Embassy presents opportunities for face to face/Online contact between Nigerian sellers and international buyers of made in Nigeria products.

Nigerian Export Products